2D shooter game inspired by NieR: Automata and MS-DOS.


- Use [mouse] or [left controller stick] to turn.

- Use [WASD] or [right controller stick] to move.

- Use [E] or [controller A/X] to interact.

- Press/hold [left click] or [controller RB] to shoot bullets.

- Press [right click] or [controller LB] to fire a laser.

- Press [space] or [controller RT] to dash.

- Hold [shift] or [controller X/Square] to sneak (move at half speed).

- Press [tab] or [controller start] to pause/respawn.

- Hold [middle click] or [controller LT] to enable peeking, [WASD] to move camera.

- Press [F1] or [controller Y/Triangle] to swap themes. (Unlocked for completing each level with full HP)

- Press [F2] or [controller B/Circle] to swap skins. (Unlocked by finding the secret in each non-boss fight level)


- HP: Health. One hit reduces HP by 25%.

- MP: Consumed for using bullets and lasers. Bullet cost: 5%. Laser cost: 40%. Regenerates automatically over time.

- Dash: Makes player invincible for a short duration and pauses MP regeneration.

- Brown enemies/bricks: Can be destroyed by player attacks.

- Red enemies/bricks: Cannot be destroyed by player attacks. Deal damage on contact.

- Yellow enemy bullets: Can be destroyed by player attacks. Deal damage on hit.

- Dark yellow enemy bullets: Cannot be destroyed by player attacks. Deal damage on hit. Can be avoided by using dash.

- Green switches: Can be powered-up by interacting with them while standing on top of them. Can perform various actions or act as teleporters.

- Solid green switches: Disabled switches.

- Purple power bricks: Can be powered-up by attacks. Performs an action when fully charged.

- Blue and green scaffold: Can be removed by activating the corresponding switch or power bricks.

- Forcefield: Prevents bullets and laser from passing through.


- Core: Done

- Levels: 4/4

- Boss: 1/1

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